
National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa

The National Cleaner Production Centre of South Africa (NCPC-SA) is a national programme of government that promotes the implementation of resource efficiency and cleaner production (RECP) methodologies to assist industry to lower costs through reduced energy, water and materials usage, and waste management. It is hosted by the CSIR on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry.

The NCPC-SA is a member of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation and the United Nations Environmental Programme’s global RECP network and plays a leading role in the African Roundtable on Sustainable Production and Consumption.

The NCPC-SA’s service offerings include:

  • Raising awareness, advocacy and demonstration of the benefits of RECP
  • Technical support to industry through RECP methodologies and tools
  • Facilitating the implementation of RECP in industry
  • Capacity building and development of RECP skills.