
Artificial Intelligence and Extended Reality

The artificial intelligence (AI) and extended reality (XR) research group addresses the digital and biological aspects of fourth industrial revolution megatrends. In this group, researchers and engineers investigate and implement cutting-edge methodologies for AI and XR.

The main objectives of the research group are to adapt an application-driven approach that aims to provide:  

  • optimisation and a competitive advantage in areas where machine learning (ML) is not traditionally used but can have significant impact; and
  • domain experts with applied AI and XR skills that enable them to apply interventions to problems in their respective domains. 

The group adds value using AI expertise to provide data-driven responses to industrial, commercial and societal problems, as well as XR skills to visualise these insights in an interactive manner.

The general offerings of the AI and XR research group are as follows:

Predictive modelling and advanced analytics:

  • Prediction of outcomes using modeling techniques based on historical data; and
  • Advanced analytics to derive insights, patterns and trends from data.

Sensory systems:

  • Detection and classification: Building human intelligence characteristics in communication and vision to provide solutions to tasks such as detecting objects, understanding language, classifying intent and so forth.

Fairness, bias and best practices in AI:

  • Solutions incorporating responsible AI when implementing AI solutions to avoid bias and AI solutions affecting humans unfairly.

3D content creation:

  • 3D environment, character and object modelling;
  • Character animation and scenario simulation; and
  • Gameplay design and development.

Spatial scanning:

  • 2D to 3D conversion; and
  • Environment capture for 3D modeling.

Spatial embodiment and human computer interaction:

  • Face and full body tracking; and
  • Avatar systems.


AI and XR are powerful technologies and when combined, they can create a massive impact in the market. For more information, please contact the Research Group Leader Dr Reevana Balmahoon.


Dr Reevana Balmahoon