Andrew Cyrus Smith
CSIR senior researcher
Smith’s research interest is the development of inclusive user interfaces for the Internet of Things.
Full Profile
Smith is a senior researcher focusing on the Internet of Things. After completing a Bachelor degree in electronic engineering at the University of Pretoria, he studied for a Master’s degree on speech signal encoding algorithms. In 1997 he joined the CSIR as a development engineer and later as a project manager. He conducted research on the application of information and communications technology in education.
Expertise: Human computer interaction
Academic qualifications:
- PhD (Computer Science), University of South Africa, 2017
- Certificate (Computer Networks), University of South Africa, 2000
- Certificate (Web Security), Rand Afrikaans University, 2000
- Certificate (Information Security), Rand Afrikaans University, 1999
- Diploma (Datametrics), University of South Africa, 1994
- MEng (Electronic Engineering), University of Pretoria, 1988
- BEng (Electronic Engineering), University of Pretoria, 1985